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Parashat Pinehas

Pinehas was rewarded with the covenant of peace for his act of zeal in last week’s portion but his reward is recorded in the following portion, the portion we read this week Why the delay? As it is well known, not all acts of zeal are virtuous. What appear to be acts of zealous devotion […]

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Sorry. That is Private.

A show host is grilling his guest on various aspects of his life during a radio interview. The guest answers question after question on the nitty-gritty of his relationships and life experiences: from the reason why he divorced his first wife, to the details of his current relationship, etc.  Finally, the host asks his guest: […]

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Parashat Hukat

A new generation reached the wilderness of Zin and vehemently complained to Moshe and Aharon about the lack of water for their families and animals, Moshe is commanded to miraculously produce water by speaking to the rock. Moshe then angrily excoriates the complaining people by declaring “Listen now you rebels!” He lost his composure and […]

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Torah Never Ceases to Be a Guiding Light!

“You’re losing it…! How can you claim to be a student of Maimonides when he passed away 800 years ago?” the students questioned their teacher. The teacher smiled and answered. “You see, Knowledge is not a collection of ideas, it is a description of a change. When we gain a new perspective, we see things […]

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