March 30, 2025
The Let Them Theory: A Special Book Club
What if the secret to less stress and more happiness was as simple as… letting go?
Join Nicole Goletka and licensed psychologist Dr. Ali Goletka for a lively, down-to-earth discussion on Let Them Theory, the book that’s got everyone rethinking how they handle relationships, drama, and everyday life. We’ll unpack Mel Robbins’ game-changing mindset, swap stories, and explore how you can apply it to create more peace, freedom, and confidence in your life.
Dr. Alexandra Goletka, PsyD, is a clinical psychologist with extensive experience in treating anxiety, depression, and building resilience, as well as supporting parents through the challenges of raising children in today’s world. She maintains a private practice on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, where she works with adolescents, parents, and young adults in a collaborative, nonjudgmental setting.
With a deep understanding of how psychological principles apply to everyday life, Dr. Goletka is passionate about helping individuals navigate emotional challenges, strengthen relationships, and develop practical coping strategies.