Parashat Shemot – Kindness: The Essence of Greatness
“Moses grew up and went out to his people and saw their suffering.” With this brief description, the Torah introduces us to the greatest personality of our entire history, “Moses the Lawgiver.” Rabbi Elimelekh, the renowned sage from Lizhensk, finds in these few words the greatness of Moshe’s character as he interprets this verse to […]
Secret to Success
A successful businessman was one invited to give a lecture to a group of students in a business school. Towards the end of his lecture one student asked him, “Mr. Businessman, we’ve all heard of your success; can you please share with us your secret ingredient? What is it that has kept you above and […]
The American Idol
A businessman once commented to his friend, the educator: “How can you be so sure of your ideas when there is such a big world out there?” Responded the educator: “You’re an experienced entrepreneur – tell me, when you have a high pressure meeting with seasoned negotiators, how do you protect your interests?” “I never […]
Parashat Vayehi – Teach a Child According to His Way (Proverbs 22:6)
“Jacob blessed his sons each one according to his specific traits.” Our sages explain this to mean that Jacob gave each son the blessing suitable and distinct for him, although he also gave them a comprehensive inclusive blessing. A parent’s blessing is intended as a growth stimulus whose purpose is to enhance an innate potential […]
Parashat Vayigash – Make Adjustments Not Excuses
Joseph’s life and attitude was very unique in that we find that in every situation he found himself, he achieved excellence. Whether as a son, servant, prisoner, viceroy, provider or father, he achieved excellence. He was led by the belief in his own abilities and destiny. Still, he paid a steep price for that greatness, […]
Chanukah Message
A student once approached his wise teacher and expressed disappointment over the many areas in his life that weren’t as he wanted or hoped them to be. Responded his teacher, “You speak at length about that which you need. What about that which you are needed for?” What a powerful message! True, we all have […]
It’s All About the Messenger
At a conference of educators, a renowned teacher was singled out for advice: “Why do your students love hearing criticism from you?” attendees asked, “It’s our greatest challenge – what’s your secret?” The teacher responded with a question: “How do you feel when your student misbehaves?” The audience offered a variety of similar emotions: anger, […]
Parashat Mi’kes – When opportunity knocks…
“And Pharaoh awoke, he went back to sleep and dreamt a second time”(41:4). One of the most famous questions asked in this week’s Parasha is why did Joseph volunteer unsolicited advice. Since he was only asked for an interpretation, wasn’t his advise “to appoint a discerning and wise man and set him over the land […]