Yes, I’m Stiff Necked
Victor Frankl was among the millions of Jews who suffered under the merciless hand of the Nazis in war-torn Europe. In relating his personal experience in the death camps, Frankl describes the horrific torture he was victim to, and how he eventually reached that critical moment where he felt his spirit was so crushed that […]
Parashat Mishpatim – The First Duty of Society is Justice – Alexander Hamilton
The very first Parasha, after the giving of the Torah described in last week’s portion, deals primarily with financial and social laws which make up the structure of a just society. The Torah’s proclamation that “Justice, justice shall you pursue“ is not an empty slogan but is founded in detailed laws of conduct, which themselves […]
What Does She Want?
A professional drummer was considering the perfect 25th anniversary gift for his wife. He finally settles on something really special, and as he presents the beautifully wrapped box, says ” my dear, just know that is the best make on the market — it’s truly exclusive!” Excitedly, she opens the box to reveal the latest […]
Parashat Yitro – “With humility comes knowledge” (Proverbs 11:2)
“With humility comes knowledge” (Proverbs 11:2). “Even if the entire world considers you a pious person, nevertheless you should not consider yourself as such” (Talmud). The giving of the Ten Commandments in this weeks Torah portion lays out the fundamental principles of our faith from which all morality flows, like streams that branch off from […]
Do you appreciate Art?
Two young boys had earned themselves a name in town for being sticky-fingered; if ever something went missing, they were always the first suspects. One morning, the local rabbi approached the mischievous pair: He looked at the first one very sternly and thundered. Where is G-d? The kid went white and ran out of the […]
Parashat Beshalah – The Challenge Within
“They came to Marah, the place of encampment, and could not drink of the waters for they were bitter.” The great sage, Rabbi Israel, best known as the Baal Shem Tob, has a unique and insightful interpretation of this verse by interpreting the word “they“ as referring to the people, rather than the waters. Thereby […]
I Made a Mistake
When the world was created, an interesting court case ensued, wherein Mistake took Wisdom to court before God. “I am purposeless in this universe,” claimed Mistake. “By giving the human being Wisdom you’ve simply taken me out of business! How is that just?” “You are right,” answered God, “have no fear; I will create something […]
Parashat Bo – From Slavery to Freedom
“The difference between technology and slavery is that slaves are fully aware that they are not free” N. Taleb In this week’s Torah portion we are given the very first of the 613 mitzvot “to sanctify the new moon “. A nation coming out of slavery whose lives and actions were controlled by their task […]
Parashat Va’era – You’re never forgotten “Home Alone”
The beginning formation of the Jewish nation and our relationship with the Creator revolves around the ten plagues that were brought against Egypt. These were open revealed miracles for all to see and could not be denied. However, there are many other more abundant hidden miracles, which require a keen eye to see, that are […]
Who is in Control?
A wise teacher was once discussing with his students the concept of influencing one’s behavior. “The human being is capable of controlling his emotions and actions,” he explained, ” it simply begins with what one allows into his head: what you think about, you’ll speak about, and will eventually act upon.” The students countered his […]