Parashat Shemini – Taking Responsibility is the price of greatness
The Torah is not merely a record of historical events but a guide book to teach humanity ethical lessons and codes of conduct. Therefore, the incidents that are recorded in the lives of our great leaders, no matter how painful, are meant to us teach important ethical lessons. We read this week that Aharon was […]
If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs -Rudyard Kipling
Many of the Korbanot (sacrifices) that are brought in the Temple are for misconduct and imperfect decisions that we often make in our everyday lives. Our Sages say, “A person does not commit a crime unless he is seized by temporary insanity!” Although the claim of ‘temporary insanity’ has become a common and sometimes comical […]
Parashat Vayikra – If you’re not challenged you’re not going to change
The book of Vayikra is the consolidation of the birth of our nation into an ongoing covenant, completing and affirming the Sinai experience. Most fittingly, the book begins with G-d calling out to Moshe to come near, as a loving parent to a cherished child. The Midrash comments that this is not only an expression […]
Dog of the Hunter
In times gone by, when men would hunt for bear in the wild, they would first send a dog as “bait.” The dog’s presence would set off a chase with the bear, thus facilitating the hunter in isolating the bear and shooting him. A thought to ponder: who really caught the bear? The hunter, or […]
Parashat Pikudei – Transparency Builds Trust
The Torah devotes an entire section to record Moshe’s long detailed account of all the monies and gifts that were received and spent during the construction of the Tabernacle. Even though Moshe was completely trusted by the Almighty, as the Torah testifies, “He (Moshe) is trusted in My entire house,” Moshe still felt a moral […]