Parashat Vayeshev
Jacob, after successfully escaping Lavan’s house and his epic confrontation with his brother Esav, finally returns to his ancestral home, the land of his youth, with his large family and great wealth intact. His entire life was filled with conflict and strife and now he wanted to finally lead a peaceful and idyllic life. Little […]
Sweating is Healthy
“Mom I’m thirsty,” baby duck complained. “My dear, I’ve pushed you to the tip of the pond, all you have to do is open your mouth! That part you’ll need to do on your own!” Popcorn can pop without an ounce of sweat. Put it in the microwave and wait for a minute to pass. […]
Parashat Va’yeseh
Jacob, alone and afraid, after escaping with his life from his brother Esav is visited in his sleep by the vision of G-d. Immediately upon waking, he took the stone that he had placed under his head and made it into an altar, on which he made a vow to the service of G-d. Paroah […]
Connections or Connecting
“We were both in the same class and received the same grades, what makes you a better doctor?” “Yes, we both learned the same material, but it seems you forgot that patients are not case studies, they are people with whom we need to connect with…” Some people say life is all about connections; in […]