Parashat Tazria
The affliction of Tzaraat, commonly translated as leprosy, described in the Parashah this week, is not a bodily disease, but the physical manifestation of a spiritual malaise, the result of selfish pride and slander. Many people erroneously think that speaking the truth, even if it is derogatory is not considered to be Lashon Harah, […]
Aristotle the Human
“You, of all people! How can you do such a thing?!” Aristotle’s students exclaimed in surprise. They were appalled. Their beloved and knowledgeable teacher was caught in the act. “Dear students, you know me as Aristotle the Great. Now, I’m Aristotle the Human…” A rich man is not one who thinks of a great […]
Parashat Tsav
King David said, “May goodness and kindness pursue me all the days of my life.” What a strange expression! Goodness and kindness should pursue me, as though I was fleeing from them?! The Torah tells us, “You shall pursue righteousness and justice.” Many of us have things backwards. We pursue goodness and kindness for ourselves […]
Nuclear bomb?
“What’s more powerful than a nuclear bomb? “Cyber warfare” “Perhaps. But, students, what would be far more powerful then both cyber and nuclear warfare?” “Planting a bug or virus into the enemy’s intelligence. You can tweak an enemy’s perspective. You can change the way they think. You can control the narrative, information, and opinion of […]
Parashat Pekudei
All the many donations to the Mishkan were only accepted if they had been attained honestly. Any gifts that might have been tainted by being acquired dishonestly were rejected. “If you take from a thief, you will nevertheless feel the taste of stealing” (Talmud). Rabbi Huna, a well respected sage of the Talmud, […]