Water the Seeds
“This tree is going to bear luscious and mouth-watering apples. The other is going to bear rotten and dried out apples”. “But, dad, they both look alike. I don’t even see any fruit! How are you so confident which one will give birth to the delicious fruit? “My dear son, my confidence is […]
Parashat Pinehas
Pinehas’ act of zealotry, when he went against Zimri’s open act of defiance, was described in last week’s Parashah, and yet, the reward for his actions are not written there but are delayed until this weeks portion. Why the wait? As it is well known, not all acts of zeal are virtuous. What appear […]
Relationships Need Privacy
He responded in detail to every question, describing his tenuous marriage in every detail. He didn’t skip anything. Every bump and pitfall of his rocky relationships was shared with the public. There was one question the businessman refused to answer. It sparked such an outrage from him that he almost walked off stage. The […]
Parashat Hukat
Anger is one of the most destructive human emotions that Maimonides wrote should never be expressed even for a positive outcome. A person, however, can feign anger for a greater good. Moses in this week’s portion of the Parasha became enraged by the people and showed them his angry response. He then received an […]
The Chinese Get It
“You’re losing it…! How can you claim to be a student of Maimonides when he passed away 800 years ago?” the students questioned their teacher. The teacher smiled and answered. “You see, Knowledge is not a collection of ideas, it is a description of a change. When we gain a new perspective we see things […]