Parashat Ekev
Rabbi Yehoshua once asked directions from a young child while traveling to a city. The child replied, “This path is short and long, and the other is long and short.” Rabbi Yehoshua, dumbfounded by the child’s cryptic answer took the short way. Although he soon found himself in the city’s outskirts, fenced in orchards blocked […]
How to Stay Happy
Your score came in at 93, you won second place!” “WOW! I can’t believe it!!..YAY…” “Your score is 96, you won first place!!” “Are you sure only 96?! It’s got be a mistake! I should’ve gotten a 100!!” the disappointed contestant retorted… Contrary to common belief, achieving is not the ingredient to happiness. Recognizing a talent […]
Parashat Debarim
When Moses set up the national justice system he told the appointed judges, “ Whatever will be too difficult for you, you shall bring to me and I will hear it.” It’s interesting to note that Moses does not say, “I will solve it for you”, but only that “I will listen.” It is common […]
Pure hatred
The Roman emperor Hadrian was a known anti-semite. Once, during a public appearance, a Jewish passerby respectfully greeted the emperor. “How dare a Jew be so brazen as to greet me in public?” cried Hadrian. “Have him killed!” At the emperor’s next appearance, a Jew who happened to be in the area was careful to […]
Parashat Pinehas
What is the most important characteristic necessary for a leader? Yehoshua, the most dedicated and trusted student of Moses, was chosen to replace Moses not because of his intellectual prowess, study habits or meticulous following of his teacher, but surprisingly, our sages say it was because he had the ability to interact according to the […]