Parashat Vayishlah
Jacob left his parents’ home with nothing more than a walking stick in his hand and now returns home, after working tirelessly for 20 years building his legacy, with a large family and great wealth. Our sages taught that one’s reward is according to one’s efforts. Anything of value comes with a price and if […]
The Bold Jew
A battlefield isn’t won by how many soldiers are fighting. It’s more about the quality of the soldiers. The motivation of the soldiers. Our soldiers know that its not only their country they represent. And they don’t only have their immediate family praying for them, they have millions of uncles and aunts praying for them. […]
Parashat Toledot
We see that, from the very beginning of their youth, the twins, Jacob and Esau, had very different natural tendencies as described in our Parasha. “When the boys grew up, Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the outdoors, but Jacob was a mild man who stayed in camp”. King Solomon said: “Train a […]
Let’s celebrate our Judaism
I’m not moved by the crocodile tears of the world. I’m moved to tears by the beautiful scenes of Jews embracing Jews! By a people who’ve faced a tragedy, but summon the resolve to continue to dance! By our dear soldiers who sacrifice everything with such deep love to protect their fellow Jews! By the […]