Parashat Noach – Why Jews Love the Moon
“Which is more important, the sun or the moon?” a citizen of Chelm asked the town Rabbi. “What a silly question!” exclaimed the Rabbi. “The moon, of course! It shines at night when we really need it. But who needs the sun to shine when it is already broad daylight?” There are moments in life […]
Parashat Beresheet – Humility listens; Arrogance talks
The crowning act of genesis was the creation of man, where G-d declared, “Let us make man.” Our sages comment on the use of the plural “Let us”, even though G-d alone created man as the verse later states, “And G-d created man in His image”. This was done in order to teach a profound […]
Parashat Ha’Azinu
“The mighty rock, His deeds are perfect, for all His paths are just.” This verse is part of the opening lines of the song of Haazinu in which Moshe describes the totality of G-d’s work, the infinite combination of good fortune and failure, joy and sadness, happiness and tragedy, which all fit together. Though, as […]
Parashat Vayeilech – Unleash Your Talents
Here is a special anecdote for the High Holidays! “Mom, why do we have such huge eye lases?” the baby camel asked her mother. “They protect us from the mighty desert sand storms.” The mother answers. “…and why do we have split hooves?” “That’s so we can travel better.” The mother answers. “So mom, why […]