Parashat Va’era – Are Winners Happy?
Your score came in at 93, you won second place!” “WOW! I can’t believe it!!..YAY…” “Your score is 96, you won first place!!” “Are you sure it was only 96?! There must be a mistake! I should’ve gotten a 100!!” the disappointed contestant responded… Contrary to common belief, achieving is not the primary ingredient to […]
Surviving as a Nation
These are the names of the children of Israel who came to Egypt with Jacob, each man and his household.” Our tradition tells us that the survival of the Jewish nation in Egypt was the result of three things. Firstly, they did not change their Jewish names, secondly, they did not change their Hebrew language […]
Connecting – Parshat Vayechi
“We both clocked in on time every day, why was Josh the winner for the employee of the month award?” “The award had nothing to do with clocking in on time. Shlepping to work is one thing, but loving your work that is worth the award.” It’s not only about getting it done. It’s […]
Parashat Vayigash
From the moment Joseph’s brothers set foot in Egypt, they were bewildered by the inexplicable events that were occurring to them. Why is this viceroy accusing us of being spies? Where in the world did he get that absurd notion? Why is he insisting that we bring in our younger brother? Why did he take […]
Parashat Miketz – Free If Interested
The sign on the store read “Everything must go: FREE for those interested” Jacob was overjoyed, as he stepped up to the checkout; he was shocked to see a bill. “The sign says it’s for free?!”, he protested. “Sir, it is free only for those that show interest. Those that are willing to pay to […]