Rabbi Haim Shaul
Parashat Tahor
Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, APR 15, 2024The owner of an unclean house is allowed to remove all of his belongings before the house and everything in it are condemned by the Cohen. Our sages say that…
read moreParashat Shemini-HaHodesh
Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, APR 01, 2024“Any person who runs from receiving honor, honor will pursue him”. (Our sages) We read this week that Aharon was reluctant to serve as High Priest because of his participation in…
read moreParashat Vayikra-Zachor
Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, MAR 18, 2024The Talmud teaches us that when the month of Adar (in which Purim falls) begins, we increase our joy (Ta’anit 29). Words of our sages are not empty slogans but…
read moreParashat Vayak’hel-Shekalim
Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, MAR 04, 2024The Torah portion this week begins with Moses assembling the entire community. At this great assembly, he conveyed the commandment for the building of the sanctuary. Our sages explain that…
read moreParashat Tesaveh
Rabbi Haim Shaul | TUE, FEB 20, 2024“You shall make a forehead plate of pure gold, and it shall be on Aron’s forehead.” Each one of the garments worn by the high priest symbolized G-d’s forgiveness for…
read moreParashat Mishpatim
Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, FEB 05, 2024Our portion that we read this week details the moral conduct with regards to ones finances and relationships with money and possessions. However, King Solomon wrote, “The pursuit of wisdom…
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Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, JAN 22, 2024The very first experience that happened after the miraculous splitting of the sea was their encampment in a place called Marah, where they found the water bitter and undrinkable. There…
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Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, JAN 08, 2024The Talmud instructs a person to accustom their tongue to say, “I do not know.” While no human being can know everything, even with a smart phone handy and access…
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Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, DEC 25, 2023“And Yaakob blessed Joseph’s sons ‘on that day.” What significance is it that the blessings that Yaakov extended to his grandchildren occurred on that day, isn’t it obvious that they…
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Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, DEC 11, 2023“And Yaakov said to his sons, ‘may G-d give you mercy in front of the man (Yosef).’” Would it not have been more correct for Yaakov to pray, “May Almighty…
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