Rabbi Haim Shaul
Parashat Bo
Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, JAN 27, 2025The ten plagues that were visited in the Egyptian people and their economy were open revealed miracles for all to see and could not be denied. However, there are many…
read moreParashat Shemot
Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, JAN 13, 2025“Moses grew up and went out to his people and saw their suffering.” With this brief description, the Torah introduces us to the greatest personality of our entire history, “Moses…
read moreParashat Vayigash
Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, DEC 30, 2024Joseph’s life and attitude was very unique in that we find that in every situation he found himself, he achieved excellence. Whether as a son, servant, prisoner, viceroy, provider or…
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Rabbi Haim Shaul | SUN, DEC 15, 2024This week we read about Jacob settling in the land of his forefathers. Our sages comment that since Jacob wanted to dwell and live in tranquility with a life without…
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Rabbi Haim Shaul | SUN, DEC 01, 2024Even though Yaacov Avinu grew up with extreme wealth, as his father Yis’hak is described as being “exceedingly wealthy”, his only material request from G-d was bread to eat and…
read moreParashat Hayei Sarah
Rabbi Haim Shaul | SUN, NOV 17, 2024Of all the stories the Torah tells, the one concerning a young girl giving a thirsty man and his caravan water hardly seems to be an earth shattering event, yet…
read moreParashat Lech Lecha
Rabbi Haim Shaul | SUN, NOV 03, 2024In the first reference of hostage kidnapping in the Torah, Abraham, a man of peace and compassion, did not hesitate to risk his life and go to war against four…
read moreParashat Ki Tabo
Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, SEP 16, 2024King David said, “How great are Your works, Oh G-d!”While we should be proud of our accomplishments, we should realize how they pale before the majestic natural phenomena that are…
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Rabbi Haim Shaul | TUE, SEP 03, 2024King David said, ‘may goodness and kindness pursue me all the days of my life’. What a strange expression! Goodness and kindness to pursue me? as though I was fleeing…
read moreParashat Ekev
Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, AUG 19, 2024We are all designed with an innate ability and intelligence to achieve the highest feelings of awe and wonder towards the Creator by looking at the world around us, as…
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