Rabbi Haim Shaul
Rabbi Haim Shaul | TUE, APR 12, 2022Passover marks the beginning formation of the Jewish nation and our relationship with the Creator. The Haggadah that we all will be reading on the night of Passover revolves around…
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Rabbi Haim Shaul | THU, MAR 31, 2022The affliction of Tzaraat, commonly translated as leprosy, described in the Parashah this week, is not a bodily disease, but the physical manifestation of a spiritual malaise, the result of…
read moreParashat Tsav
Rabbi Haim Shaul | WED, MAR 16, 2022King David said, “May goodness and kindness pursue me all the days of my life.” What a strange expression! Goodness and kindness should pursue me, as though I was fleeing…
read moreParashat Pekudei
Rabbi Haim Shaul | THU, MAR 03, 2022All the many donations to the Mishkan were only accepted if they had been attained honestly. Any gifts that might have been tainted by being acquired dishonestly were rejected. …
read moreParashat Ki Tissa
Rabbi Haim Shaul | THU, FEB 17, 2022Following the tragic episode of the golden calf Moses took his tent and set it up outside the camp. He reasoned that since G-d was angry with the people, then…
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Rabbi Haim Shaul | THU, FEB 03, 2022We read this week of the commandment to build the sanctuary, which accompanied the nation throughout their travels. Surprisingly, to many of our sages, the need for a physical sanctuary…
read moreParashat Yitro
Rabbi Haim Shaul | WED, JAN 19, 2022Surprisingly, the most monumental event in Jewish history, the receiving of G-d’s law, is named after Yitro, a gentile. There are many important ideas taught in this small detail. The…
read more“Who is the wise person the one who sees the future.”
Rabbi Haim Shaul | THU, JAN 06, 2022There is a saying in the Talmud that a person who eats fatty meat may need to hide in the attic, but one who eats vegetables may do so in…
read moreSurviving as a Nation
Rabbi Haim Shaul | WED, DEC 22, 2021These are the names of the children of Israel who came to Egypt with Jacob, each man and his household.” Our tradition tells us that the survival of the Jewish…
read moreParashat Vayigash
Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, DEC 06, 2021From the moment Joseph’s brothers set foot in Egypt, they were bewildered by the inexplicable events that were occurring to them. Why is this viceroy accusing us of being spies?…
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