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Rabbi Haim Shaul

Parashat Vayishlah

| MON, NOV 27, 2023

Jacob left his parents’ home with nothing more than a walking stick in his hand and now returns home, after working tirelessly for 20 years building his legacy, with a…

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Parashat Toledot

| MON, NOV 13, 2023

We see that, from the very beginning of their youth, the twins, Jacob and Esau, had very different natural tendencies as described in our Parasha. “When the boys grew up,…

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Parashat Vayera

| TUE, OCT 31, 2023

When Lot is bidden to flee the city of Sodom, before the impending destruction, the angel instructs him, “Escape with your life, do not look behind you!” Lot, now fleeing…

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Parashat Noah

| THU, OCT 19, 2023

“Noah sent forth a dove to see how far the waters had receded. The dove returned toward evening with a torn leaf of an olive tree in his mouth.” Our…

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Parashat Ha’azinu

| MON, SEP 18, 2023

Our celebration of the new year is not just to remember the creation of our world, but also to embrace the newness and opportunity for our own rebirth and renewal.…

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Parashat Ki Tavo

| MON, AUG 28, 2023

Our sages state that the Mitzvah of giving the first fruits to the Cohen in the Temple, which our Parashah opens with,was the purpose of creation. How so? The offering of…

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Parashat Shofetim

| MON, AUG 14, 2023

It is customary to say selihot from the beginning of the month of Elul onwards. In the society we live in, the new year is frequently ushered in with levity…

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Parashat Ekev

| MON, JUL 31, 2023

Rabbi Yehoshua once asked directions from a young child while traveling to a city. The child replied, “This path is short and long, and the other is long and short.”…

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Parashat Debarim

| MON, JUL 17, 2023

When Moses set up the national justice system he told the appointed judges, “ Whatever will be too difficult for you, you shall bring to me and I will hear…

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Parashat Pinehas

| WED, JUL 05, 2023

What is the most important characteristic necessary for a leader? Yehoshua, the most dedicated and trusted student of Moses, was chosen to replace Moses not because of his intellectual prowess,…

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