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Rabbi Mendy Weitman

Parashat Matot-Masei – “Through my own body I see the mind of G-d” (Iyon 19:26)

| MON, JUL 13, 2020

“You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.” A leading biologist who dedicated her entire life to studying the growth and development of…

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Parashat Hukat-Balak – Leaders- Held To a Higher Standard

| MON, JUN 29, 2020

Our parashah this week begins a new era in the life of a new generation since nearly a thirty-eight-year gap had passed since the previous event. When the new generation…

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Parashat Shelah – Words of the Wise

| MON, JUN 15, 2020

In the Parasha this week, the greatest rebellion against Moshe’s leadership was gaining strength when Caleb abruptly quieted the people down and spoke his uplifting words of encouragement to enter…

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Parashat Beha’alotcha – I Had A Dream

| THU, JUN 11, 2020

A man passed away, leaving a will for his only son. But the executors of the will were left dumbfounded: the man had specified that his son was only to…

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Shabbat Shavuot – Appreciation

| WED, MAY 27, 2020

As dad opened his birthday gift, he was shocked to discover a parrot trained to sing him praises:  “You’re the best!” “You’re awesome!” “We love you!” An accompanying note read:…

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Parashat Behar-Bechukotai – The Power of Learning

| WED, MAY 13, 2020

What’s more powerful than a Nuclear bomb? “Cyber warfare” “Perhaps. But, students, what would be far more powerful than both cyber warfare and a nuclear bomb?” Planting a virus into…

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Parashat Achrei Mot-Kedoshim – Love & Happiness

| WED, APR 29, 2020

It was 1944, and there was a terrible hunger in the city of Samarkand. Mordechai was starving when he approached a fellow Jew’s home late one evening. He was hoping…

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Parashat Shmini – Our Existence

| MON, APR 13, 2020

“What did you learn in Sunday school today?” Mrs. G asks her son.  “We learned that Jews left Egypt and came to the Red Sea, Moses built a bridge for…

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Parashat Tzva – Normalcy. What’s That?

| WED, APR 01, 2020

We are living in historic times. Painful, but historic. Times where normalcy has disappeared. Anything we thought was normal or expected is now replaced with uncertainty and the unknown. A…

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