Rabbi Haim Shaul
Parashat Vayeshev
Rabbi Haim Shaul | THU, NOV 25, 2021Jacob, after successfully escaping Lavan’s house and his epic confrontation with his brother Esav, finally returns to his ancestral home, the land of his youth, with his large family and…
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Rabbi Haim Shaul | TUE, NOV 09, 2021Jacob, alone and afraid, after escaping with his life from his brother Esav is visited in his sleep by the vision of G-d. Immediately upon waking, he took the stone…
Rabbi Haim Shaul | TUE, OCT 05, 2021Finding purpose in life is like putting on glasses, it changes one’s vision on life as a whole. Everything is now seen with different lenses, with a deeper perspective. Purpose…
read moreParashat Beresheet
Rabbi Haim Shaul | THU, SEP 30, 2021“In the beginning, G-d created the heavens and the earth, and the earth was barren and desolate.” The next 6 days were spent making order out of chaos. A basic…
read moreParashat Ha’azinu
Rabbi Haim Shaul | SUN, SEP 12, 2021Moses, on the final day of his life, chided and implored the nation to fulfill their divine destiny by reflecting on their past experiences and foretelling future calamities if they…
read moreShabbat Shuva – Nurture Our Roots
Rabbi Haim Shaul | THU, SEP 09, 2021Imagine two dignified-looking men sitting across from you. They’re wearing tailored power suits and polished shoes. Instinctively, you feel a sense of respect for them. Suddenly, someone places a name…
read moreParashat Nitsavim
Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, AUG 30, 2021“You are standing today, all of you, before G-d” The opening verse of this week’s Parashah alludes to Rosh Hashanah when the entire world stands before G-d to be evaluated…
read moreParashat Ki Teseh
Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, AUG 16, 2021One of the most rewarding yet challenging areas of life is in the arena of human relationships. Relationships add meaning, texture, vitality, and spirituality to our lives and yet are…
read moreParashat Re’eh – No Good Deed Goes Unrewarded
Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, AUG 02, 2021One of the pillars of our Torah and ingrained character of our nation is the giving of charity. As Maimonides observed in the 12th century, every Jewish community that he…
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Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, JUL 19, 2021This week we will be reading about the giving of the 10 Commandments, the foundation for moral conduct. The Talmud states, however, that had the Torah not been given, we…
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