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Rabbi Mendy Weitman

Parashat Behar & Bechukotai – How to Respond to a Tragedy?

| WED, MAY 05, 2021

We are all deeply shaken by the horrific tragedy in Meron. People everywhere are crying, beseeching G-d for some measure of comfort and consolation. But how do we respond to…

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Parashat Acharie Mot and Kedoshim – A College Drop Out

| WED, APR 21, 2021

 “He doesn’t have a Ph.D.; he’s a college drop-out. Why would you pick him for the job?” “Because he’s got a ton of experience! His name is Steve Jobs.” Teaching…

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Parashat Shemini – What Will They Say?

| TUE, APR 06, 2021

The dog came to the heavenly court with a complaint:  “I am completely degraded down on earth!” he cried. “The lion, which tears other animals apart, is honored as the…

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Shabbat Va’yikrah – Impossible. It Happened!

| THU, MAR 18, 2021

“Have you heard about the train?!” was the question of the day. “They say it moves thousands of miles faster than any horse and buggy!” Eager to check it out…

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Parashat Ki Tissa – Parah – Let’s Make This Journey Count!

| TUE, MAR 02, 2021

“You came all the way from Brooklyn to Manhattan for a button?!” the businessman asked his former teacher and rabbi. “No, all the way from Poland to Manhattan for a…

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Parashat Teruma-Zachor – Take Sam’s Call

| TUE, FEB 16, 2021

Josh is looking to open a new law office. He calls Sam, the chairman of the biggest firm in town, and asks him for a tip. “To everyone who calls,…

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Parashat Yitro – Gratitude Essential Jewish Concept

| WED, FEB 03, 2021

A young boy was playing on the beach when he was suddenly swept away in a violent tidal wave. “Dear G-d, please save my child!” cried his frightened mother. Lo…

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Parashat Bo – Hypocrisy

| WED, JAN 20, 2021

“Josh, why don’t you give the gourmet sandwich you bought to that hungry man?” “Dad, you taught us to be genuine. I’ve been looking forward to this sandwich. It would…

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Parashat Shemot – Family or Friend

| THU, JAN 07, 2021

“This student is taking away precious time; you’ve got an important person waiting in the lobby,” the secretary emailed the Rabbi. “When I’m speaking with someone, nothing else exists. Right…

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Parashat Vayigash – Show Me The Way

| WED, DEC 23, 2020

“Mom, what is the purpose of a driver instructor, I’m smart enough to read up the information and drive on my own!” “Sure. You have access to tons of information.…

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