Rabbi Haim Shaul | TUE, OCT 05, 2021Finding purpose in life is like putting on glasses, it changes one’s vision on life as a whole. Everything is now seen with different lenses, with a deeper perspective. Purpose…
read moreParashat Va’et’hanan – Lessons Around Us
Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, JUL 19, 2021This week we will be reading about the giving of the 10 Commandments, the foundation for moral conduct. The Talmud states, however, that had the Torah not been given, we…
read moreParashat Ha’azinu – Even Greatness Requires Humility
Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, SEP 21, 2020In the opening lines of the song of Ha’azinu, Moshe declares,” The Mighty rock, His deeds are perfect, for all His ways are just.” When we see things in the…
read moreParashat Vayikra – Good Character in the Face of Uncertainty
Rabbi Haim Shaul | TUE, MAR 24, 2020During one of the most difficult times of Jewish history, the siege of Jerusalem (70 C.E.) by the Roman army, with over 1.1 million civilians. Many of those civilians traveled…
read moreParashat Vaykhel-Pekudei-Hahodesh – Opportunity for Renewal
Rabbi Mendy Weitman | THU, MAR 19, 2020This being the Shabbat that falls on before the first of Nissan, we read an additional portion, the section of Hachodesh (Exodus 12:1-20), which relates G‑d’s words to Moses in Egypt two weeks before the Exodus, instructing…
read moreParashat Ki Tissah-Parah – Better Tomorrows
Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, MAR 09, 2020We read in the Parasha this week about how the nation succumbed to their feelings of despair at the absence of Moshe, their leader, and created the golden calf. Rabbi…
read moreParashat Tatzaveh – Unearth the Boundless Joy
Rabbi Mendy Weitman | THU, MAR 05, 2020During WWII, a Nazi approached a Jewish concentration camp inmate with a sadistic challenge. “Figure out which one of my eyes is fake, or I kill you,” he proposed. The…
read moreParashat Termuah – Humanly Righteous
Rabbi Haim Shaul | MON, FEB 24, 2020“They will make for Me a sanctuary and I will dwell in their midst.” Our tradition relates that when Moshe was given the commandment to build the sanctuary which would…
read moreParashat Mishpatim – Develop a Taste For It
Rabbi Mendy Weitman | WED, FEB 19, 2020Standing on the Brooklyn bridge Josh calls out his last wishes and gets ready to make his final leap… Suddenly a good Samaritan forcefully holds back Josh and deposits him…
read moreParashat Yitro – The Growth of a Nation
Rabbi Haim Shaul | WED, FEB 12, 2020The most significant event in human history, receiving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, forms the structure of the values of modern society. Perhaps the most noteworthy feature of the…
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