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Rabbi Mendy Weitman

Aristotle the Human

| THU, MAR 24, 2022

“You, of all people! How can you do such a thing?!” Aristotle’s students exclaimed in surprise. They were appalled. Their beloved and knowledgeable teacher was caught in the act. “Dear…

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Nuclear bomb?

| THU, MAR 10, 2022

“What’s more powerful than a nuclear bomb? “Cyber warfare” “Perhaps. But, students, what would be far more powerful then both cyber and nuclear warfare?” “Planting a bug or virus into…

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One Mitzvah at a Time!

| THU, FEB 24, 2022

“I love mother Russia. If I would own a chest of gold and silver I would give it away to Mother Russia.” “WOW! Amazing! But, what about the horse sitting in…

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Angel or Human

| FRI, FEB 11, 2022

“My dear parents, if you were to name the most memorable moment of my youth, what would it be?”   “The moment you said, ‘Dad’ and ‘Mom’ was the beginning…

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Ordinary or Beautiful

| WED, JAN 26, 2022

“Mom, you only got solid colors. They’re boring. I need to create a beautiful painting. How in the world can I do it with a boring white or blue? “My…

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Lawmakers Vs. Lawbreakers

| WED, JAN 12, 2022

“Doctor, you’re a world renowned expert in oncology, how is it that you are smoking?” “You’re right that smoking is unhealthy, but it’s all relative. Genetically, I have very strong…

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Parashat Va’era – Are Winners Happy?

| THU, DEC 30, 2021

Your score came in at 93, you won second place!” “WOW! I can’t believe it!!..YAY…” “Your score is 96, you won first place!!” “Are you sure it was only 96?!…

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Connecting – Parshat Vayechi

| THU, DEC 16, 2021

“We both clocked in on time every day, why was Josh the winner for the employee of the month award?” “The award had nothing to do with clocking in on…

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Parashat Miketz – Free If Interested

| WED, DEC 01, 2021

The sign on the store read “Everything must go: FREE for those interested” Jacob was overjoyed, as he stepped up to the checkout; he was shocked to see a bill.…

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Sweating is Healthy 

| THU, NOV 18, 2021

“Mom I’m thirsty,” baby duck complained. “My dear, I’ve pushed you to the tip of the pond, all you have to do is open your mouth! That part you’ll need…

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